Word of the Lord 2023 - Under an Open Heaven
As we head into 2023 we should be excited as it is an open heaven season. It's a time where God is going to be doing some awesome things on the earth. But it's also a season where you must understand what God is doing in order to reap the benefits of it. 

As Kingdom citizens, there are 3 elements we should always consider when we are assessing a situation to make sure we have the Kingdom's perspective on it. This can be gleaned from the model that Jesus gave us for prayer found in Matthew 6:10 when He said to pray, "Your kingdom come. Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven." 

So when we assess situations we need to know:

  1. What's has been decreed in the heavenlies or what is on the Kingdom's calendar, i.e. the Kingdom's Agenda?
  2. What is being manifested or expected to happen on earth, i.e. Earth's Agenda?; and, 
  3. What is to be our position on earth to ensure we are in alignment with the plans of the Kingdom, i.e. Our Agenda?
Using the above assessments, let's see what has been decreed for the year 2023...

KINGDOM'S AGENDAUnder the Open Heaven, God is supplying 

And if you say, “What shall we eat in the seventh year, since we shall not sow nor gather in our produce?” Then I will command My blessing on you in the sixth year, and it will bring forth produce enough for three years. And you shall sow in the eighth year, and eat old produce until the ninth year; until its produce comes in, you shall eat of the old harvest. Leviticus 25:20โ€ญ-โ€ฌ22 NKJV

Because we just left the shmita year (Jewish Sabbath year) and we are starting the first year of the new Jewish 7 year cycle, we are still under the grace of God supplying for our immediate needs, which is why we are under an Open Heaven season (to research the shmita year refer to Levitcus 25). 

Over this last season, from around 2020, you may not have necessarily been in a season of abundance like in previous seasons, but you have been able to live a fairly comfortable life. Some close calls here and there as it relates to bills, but you were able to eat everyday and at times even ate well๐Ÿ˜Š.

The focus of God supplying supernaturally this year, is not for us to just relax and enjoy the ride, as fun as that may be. The main purpose of this supernatural provision, as we can see in the quoted scripture, is to give us the space to be able to do the work we need to do here on the earth. Remember, we have just entered the 1st year of the Jewish cycle. And so the work we put in this year, is going to determine the fruitfulness of the next 7 years of our lives. 

I know for some of us, it has felt like God had us in a stand still for the last 2 to 3 years. And even though we wanted to work and move forward with some projects, God kept telling us to BE STILL. But starting October this year, God started prompting us in our spirits that it was time to being the work again. It is time to start "tilling the fields" of our vineyards. To pick up the tools, talents and techniques that we had to rest down in the last season and begin to utilize it again in 2023.

For some of you, ideas are already beginning to come forth that will be able to generate additional income for you. Others, you are getting some reconciliation tools that will help mend some broken relationships. And there are some of you where strategies are, even now, being downloaded in your spirit that will breathe life into some ventures you thought were dead. 

So, yes, there is going to be supernatural provision for 2023 and we should be happy that God is supplying for us and our family. But, the main purpose is not so that we can slack off, but rather that we go full steam ahead with the projects that God has sanctioned for the glory of His Kingdom. Please note, 2023 is not for your personal projects. It's all about the Kingdom's agenda (Matt 6:33).

Just an additional note to solidify this point, the number 2023 in the Greek is epichorฤ“geล and in the Strong's Concordance it means to supply, to furnish, to present, to be supplied, to minister to and to assist. One of the scriptures that features this word is II Corinthians 9:10 NKJV which states:

Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness,

God is supplying in this season. Therefore, this is not the year to hold back. This year is the year that you need to put in the work because it's going to be an important foundation for your future. 

EARTH'S AGENDA: Under the Open Heaven, there is a rebirthing

This rebirthing comes with a 3 fold blessing of Redemption, Resurrection and Restitution

When we break down the number of 2023, based on biblical numerology we can see that:

20 means redemption and,
23 means death

Therefore 2023, is a year where there is going to be a redemption from death.

Redemption means the action of gaining or regaining possession of something in exchange for payment (Oxford). 

So 2023 is a year where there is going to be a Redemption from death of some things that look like they have died or are near death and I sense specifically within these last 3 years (from 2020).

There have been careers that have died...businesses that have failed...relationships that were broken...education plans halted...peace that was stolen...hope that was robbed...faith in God destroyed...opportunities gone...health in shambles...finances that have dwindled. These last 3 years, the enemy has been running rampant on the earth stealing, killing and destroying our stuff and it has felt like a full blown war against our minds and sometimes even sanity.


This year, there is going to be a redemption of those things that were affected because you paid the price for that redemption over these last 3 years. You may ask me, what price have I paid, Rachel? The price of your obedience in the midst of the storm. The price of believing God, when everyone else felt you were crazy. The price of your tears, your resources and at times even your own comfort. And I want you to know that in the midst of the pain, you learned the lessons that NEEDED to be learned so that you will not make the mistakes that you made in the past. But most importantly, you gained the keys that are necessary to unlock the prison that hinders you from moving forward. 

If we observe Jesus as our model for our Kingdom citenzry, we see that He unlocked the prison of death to step back into life. How was He able to do that? By gaining keys. In His death, Jesus was able to take back the keys of hades and death from the enemy and so was able to unlock his death prison and step into life eternal. His price of being faithful to the cross and the grave, was able to redeem Him from death which allowed Him to access keys not just for Him, but for all mankind.

Similarly for you. You have been through some processes that tried to break you, kill you and put you out of the positioning of what heaven has decreed over your life. But in those experiences there have been lessons that you learned and there are keys that you have gained that is going to enable to open some generational prison doors that will not only bring freedom to you, but also to those you have been called to influence.

I dont know if you are excited as yet, but I am excited for 2023. Because it doesn't just end with redemption. You see when you cross over to 2023 and begin to unlock doors with the keys you have gained over the last couple of years you are now transitioning into Resurrection Morning!!!! Because its the start of the 3rd year since this world shut down 2020.

On Resurrection morning...that which has been dead will now start to have life flowing through it again. That which seemed impossible, all of a sudden is going to be possible. That which people counted as a loss, all of a sudden will be a win. That which men scorned you about, will now become a thing of honor. THIS YEAR...in 2023...you will see dead bones come back to life. And I sense that as a leap of faith, you need to make a list of those things that have been left for dead these last 3 years and begin to declare over those things that it is coming to life in 2023.

But not only is there redemption and resurrection in this rebirthing process, because things have to be redeemed from death, death now has to make Restitution for that which he has stolen from you. Restitution is the restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner (Oxford).

So therefore ALL that death has stolen MUST be returned. And because we belong in the Kingdom where it runs on a multiplication system, not an addition system like the world, we are going to be gaining back all that was stolen and more. For some it will be doubled. For others it will be seven fold.

I also believe that this restitution will also be based on spiritual things. Some of you joy was stolen. Peace was stolen. Love was stolen. Your faith was stolen. Your positioning in Christ was stolen. And for some, your identity and knowing of your purpose was stolen.

I believe, as dead things come to life, you are not only going to gain back things in the physical realm and emotional realm...but your identity in Christ is being restored at this time. You are going to know your purpose. You are going to know how God sees you. And you are going to know the name that He calls you in the Kingdom realm.

OUR AGENDA: Under the Open Heaven, you need to watch what you say...

With all these wonderful things happening in 2023, you may want to know what do we need to do? What needs to be our posture for us to be in alignment with what heaven is doing at this time? Because I don't know about you, but I want ALL that God has for me in 2023.

To answer this let's look at the spiritual aspect of the year which leads us to the Hebrew Calendar. Right now on the Hebrew calendar we are in the year 5783. If we were to break down 83, we will see that:

80 - is peh and signifies the mouth. It is said that we are in a decade of peh. Which is why there is so much talk and information being released in the world since we entered the decade of peh in 2020. And a lot of that chatter is misinformation and lies that are geared to redefine all that God has called good in the Bible. Therefore, this is a decade to be careful of the words that we say, the words we hear and the words we come in agreement with.

Now that we know we need to be mindful of what comes out of our mouth, the question is how can we line up what is coming out of our mouth with the Kingdom? Well that is tied with the number 3.

3 -  is Gimmel in the Hebraic alphabet and it denotes kindness

So in 2023, be extra conscious to speak words of kindness about and to the people around you. Let one of your guiding scriptures for this year be Ephesians 4:29 which states 

"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."

3 - also means in Biblical numerology Resurrection (here is that word again๐Ÿ˜)

So in 2023, we are comissioned to speak words of life over those things that have been left for dead, especially in these last 3 years. Let another of your guiding scriptures be Proverbs 18:21 which states:

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit

3 - also in Biblical numerology denotes the Godhead/ Trinity

So in 2023, we have to speak words of faith. We have to speak words that show we believe what God says, no matter how impossible the situation looks. Let one of your guiding scriptures this year be Hebrews 11:6 which states:

For without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.

Therefore for 2023 your posture is to watch your words. 

Watch the words that you say to and about God.

Watch the words that you say to and about God's people.

And watch the words you say to and about yourself.

Why? Because Satan wants you speaking death in this year so you can reap the fruit of death, ESPECIALLY as we are in an open heaven season. Know that the words that you speak in 2023 will seal your destiny for the next 7 years.

Therefore, WATCH YOUR WORDS!!!

In conclusion, when we look at  2023 from a Kingdom perspective, we see that we are under an open heaven where God is supernaturally providing, for the purpose of us building a strong foundation for the next 7 years of our lives through the work that He has commisioned us to do. We also see that things that have died or have been dying for the last 3 years are going to be coming back to life. And we see the need to watch the words that we say to God, to people and about ourselves and circumstances, because our words are going to yield the fruit linked to our future success.

If you are ready for what 2023 has to offer, type in the comments I WANT ALL THAT GOD HAS FOR ME IN 2023!!!

Written by Rachel R aka The Lioness Woman
Inspired by The Holy Spirit

Date: December 30, 2022


  1. Jennifer Montano  03/14/2023 08:21 AM Central
    I want all that God has for me in 2023
  3. I want All that God has for Me
  4. Sue Ann Boswell-Derrick  01/07/2023 06:08 AM Central
  6. Marcia Marshall  01/06/2023 12:19 AM Central
  7. Trevor Marshall  01/05/2023 05:31 PM Central
    I want all that God has for me in 2023.
  8. Monique Hackett  01/05/2023 09:02 AM Central

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