Jesus Lover. Mother. Kingdom Ambassador


Hi...I am Rachel Russell aka The Lioness Woman and I am from the beautiful islands of Trinidad and Tobago. I have been an entrepreneur for 22 years, was married for 16 years, a minister for over 12 years, a mom for 10 years and I have been living in the United States for over 4 years.
I am generally a very goal-oriented person that likes to operate in a spirit of excellence in everything that I do. But with that often came the yoke of perfectionism that often times led me down a path of deep depression.
The age of 30 was one of the times I went into a bad depression spell. I was depressed because I didn't have the car I wanted, the house that I desired and my business was not making the 7 figures per annum I expected it to be making at that stage of its growth. Fast forward to one year later, I had EVERYTHING I desired, but was still not content. That's when I agreed to go on a 7-year-long journey with the Lord, which led me to understand His Kingdom's principles and what true success looked like in the Kingdom of God.
You see, our definition of success is usually based on what we see on television and not necessarily what we see in the Word of God. And while there are many in the faith who have purported that successful Christianity is just attending church on a Sunday morning waiting for Jesus to come back, I think Jesus had a different mindset about kingdom success when He told us that He came for us to live an abundant life (John 10:10) and to occupy (do business) until He came back (Luke 19:13).
Through my personal journey, I learned that true success in my Christian walk meant having a deep relationship with my God and being able to clearly hear His voice and instructions for my life. I had to learn how to reject fear, depression, rejection, perfectionism, shame, unworthiness and the scars of my past abuse and allow God to give me His love, His peace and His joy so that I was able to have soundness in my mind and emotions. I also was able to learn how to value my physical health and build the disciplines necessary to be at my healthiest. Not only that, but God showed me what my true purpose was here on earth and directed me on how to walk in it; how to honor my relationships and to manage my finances for growth and wealth building.
Since 2020, it has become my passion to help my brothers and sisters in Christ find their purpose and to learn how to prosper from it. And I do this by teaching kingdom principles that lead individuals to prospering in their faith, family, finances and future.