We believe that God is setting up His people in this decade to take territories and to be in places of influence, all to bring glory to His Kingdom. But some doctrines that are taught in mainstream churches do not emphasize the work, sacrifice and obedience to God that is necessary to be able to walk in the promises that He has for each believer. 

The purpose of this movement is to provide trainings and resources that will equip persons to rise up in action to take their God ordained position in the Kingdom, while teaching them how to live the Kingdom lifestyle that will sustain them in operating from their space of dominion.

Your Kingdom come. 
Your will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Matthew 6:10

To make the Kingdom of God easy to understand and practical to apply for every believer in Christ.

To train and activate believers to walk in their God-given purpose and to live a Kingdom Lifestyle.

K    Kingdom First
I     Integrity Above All Else 
N    Nothing But Excellence
G   Greatness Exists In Everyone
S    Service Is Leadership

K     Kingdom Lifestyle University
I       Intercession & Prayer 
N     Next Level Conference & Events
G     Gathering - KLM City Hubs
D     Development
O     Online Ministry
M    Market Place & Business Support

That we were created by God (Elohim) and that we were created in His image and likeness for the purpose of reigning on His behalf here on earth (Genesis 1).

That man sinned and so therefore lost their communion and right standing with God (Genesis 3)

That Father loved us so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die for us so that we can be in right standing with Him and His purpose for our lives (John 3:16)

That Jesus is the ONLY way to salvation and reconciliation with God the Father. 

That Jesus had to die so we can experience abundant life on earth and everlasting life with God in eternity

That Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father and is King in the Kingdom

That the Holy Spirit has been sent as a Helper and a Guide on how to navigate our faith successfully

That once we believe in Jesus in our heart, and confess with our mouths then we are saved

That our confession of faith, water baptism and indwelling of the Holy Spirit is a witness to our citizenship in God's Kingdom

That our duty as Kingdom citizens on earth is to live a life that is pleasing to God ONLY and that brings glory to His Name

WE believe that a sinful lifestyle separates you from God and a kingdom lifestyle draws you nearer to God and gains you your benefits as citizens of His Kingdom.

Are you ready to change your life?